Janelle Monáe Says Women Should Go On A 'Sex Strike'

During a recent interview with Marie Claire, Janelle Monáe discussed gender equality issues and feminism for their "Future Is Female" issue, and ended up sharing some pretty revolutionary ideas.

Janelle discussed the possibility of women conducting a "sex strike" in order to gain back their equality.

"People have to start respecting the vagina. Until every man is fighting for our rights, we should consider stopping having sex. I love men. But evil men? I will not tolerate that. You don't deserve to be in my presence. If you're going to own this world and this is how you're going to rule this world, I am not going to contribute anymore until you change it. We have to realize our power and our magic. Because I am all about black girl magic, even though I'm standing with all women. But this year? This year, I am so care free black girl.”

After receiving some backlash for her ideas after the interview was published, Janelle took to Twitter to clear things up.

Do you agree with Janelle?

Read more of the story HERE!

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