Man Arrested For Stabbing Tourist With Scissors Using His Feet

(Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)

Photo: Getty Images Europe

According to Miami Police, a homeless Florida man with no arms has been arrested for stabbing a tourist with scissors using his feet.

Jonathan Dale Crenshaw, a homeless artist from South Beach, Florida was arrested earlier this week and charged with aggravated battery after he allegedly stabbed another man.

Per NBC 6 Miami, the man who was visiting from Chicago asked for directions when Crenshaw suddenly attacked him, stabbing him in the arm.

"I'm not from here, and this is not what I came for. I came for a vacation," the man told NBC 6. "I just said, 'do you know where this is?' but as soon as I talked, the only thing he reacted was — he just cut me."

Read the full details here.

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