Omarion Breaks His Silence On Ex Apryl Jones & Lil Fizz's Relationship

Omarion has maintained his silence surrounding his ex-girlfriend Apryl Jones hooking up with friend and B2K bandmate Lil Fizz.

However, O has finally shared his two-cents on the couple’s relationship.

“I don’t feel no ways, I don’t feel any way about it,” he said during an interview with VladTV. “I think that if they’re happy, then they should be happy. I think they should change the narrative, though.”

Omarion continued, “She’s still the mother of my children. When something affects her, it affects my kids, and that affects me. But what she does is, you know, live your life! I think people should do whatever makes them happy. I think they should change the narrative.”

We applaud you O for always being the bigger person.

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